Bestyrelsen har diskuteret corona-situationen, og vi har besluttet at Foreningen Dyrlæger uden Grænser desværre er nødt til at aflyse projekt KAT2020.

Situationen ændrer sig så hurtigt nu, og hele tiden til noget værre, og det er umuligt at forudse hvordan det ser ud om et par dage eller et par uger. Vi synes ikke at vi kan tage ansvaret for at gennemføre et projekt under så usikre betingelser.

Det er selvfølgelig med meget stor beklagelse at vi aflyser, for vi har sammen med alle vores frivillige arbejdet så hårdt og glædet os til at gøre en forskel med dette spændende projekt, men det kan ikke være anderledes.

Det skal tilføjes at flere frivillige har valgt at rejse til Nepal på trods af vores aflysning. De vil i samarbejde med KAT arbejde med at få gadehundene vaccineret, behandlet og neutraliseret.

Vi sender en stor tak de medlemmer og sponsorer, der har valgt at støtte projektet. Foreningen Dyrlæger uden Grænser har sendt pengene videre til KAT og vi har yderligere sendt et beløb ned til dem, så de har mulighed for at gennemføre projektet, dog med færre frivillige.

Mange hilsner
Foreningen Dyrlæger uden Grænser

Vi har netop modtaget denne dejlige hilsen fra Roger Palmer, Treasurer for KAT i Nepal, som vi har valgt at støtte endnu en gang.

Som I kan læse her, vil vores donation komme mange gadedyr til gode.

“Vi har modtaget DKK 15.000 – femten tusinde danske kroner – den 16. januar 2018 via bankoverførsel.

Donationen er modtaget af Foreningen Dyrlæger uden Grænser, Danmark

Det bekræftes, at denne donation til Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal vil blive brugt til følgende:

  • Udføre et Animal Birth Control Program til at reducere antallet af uønsket hunde i Kathmandu.
  • Udføre rabiesvaccination af gadehunde og derved reducere forekomsten af rabies i Kathmandu og de omkringliggende områder, som er ansvarlig for ca. 200 menneskelige dødsfald pr. år (hovedsageligt børn).
  • Udføre et offentligt uddannelsesprogram for at gøre offentligheden opmærksom på den pleje, husdyr og gadedyr kræver.”

Billedet er fra KAT Centres facebook side, som kan ses her.

Billede-4Så er der atter nyt fra KAT Centre i Nepal, som denne gang fortæller om, hvordan de har anvendt de midler, som Dyrenes SOS sendte KAT Centre i april 2012.[divider]
The Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre (KAT Centre) thanks Animal SOS for the grant of US$1934 on 20 April 2011. The KAT Centre has expended all of the funds. This is a report on the use of the grant.

The KAT Centre’s two main programs are Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Rescue & Treatment. They are complemented by a Public Education program for children and adults which reduces animal cruelty and engenders compassionate behavior. Through school visits, community outreach, and distribution of printed materials, KAT teaches responsible pet ownership (including the importance of spaying and neutering), prevention of dog bites and rabies, and humane treatment for all animals, and encourages people to care for local street dogs. KAT also provides pet therapy at schools for disabled children and orphanages.

A member of the community helps KAT's vet vaccinate a street dog.
A member of the community helps KAT’s vet vaccinate a street dog.
The KAT Centre has expert dog-cathcers on its staff.
The KAT Centre has expert dog-cathcers on its staff.

Animal Birth Control:
A goal of KAT’s ABC program is to sterilize (spay) enough female street dogs so that the canine population becomes stable, instead of breeding until there are not enough resources for all the dogs to survive. This is a sustainable solution which prevents thousands of homeless puppies from being born into lives of suffering and has an impact that goes far beyond the animals treated at the Centre. ABC has been proven as an effective and humane means of population control in many other cities. Every dog is also vaccinated for rabies, to help KAT accomplish its goal of eliminating rabies from the Kathmandu Valley.

The KAT Centre has conducted canine population surveys in collaboration with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) which have demonstrated the effectiveness of the program in Kathmandu. From 2006 to 2010, the percent of female street dogs in the urban area of Kathmandu who are sterilized (as indicated by a notch in their left ear) increased from 15% to 40%. In that same time period, the number of street dogs in this area decreased from approximately 31,000 to 22,500.

Last year, the KAT Centre continued its success. The organization sterilized and vaccinated 1,007 female street dogs in 2011. KAT is working through the urban part of Kathmandu, sterilizing all dogs it can find in one neighborhood and then moving to the next one. Provided adequate funding continues to be available, the organization will bring its ABC program to the entire city of Kathmandu.

Rescue & Treatment:

The Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre’s Rescue & Treatment program supports and complements its Animal Birth Control program. Sterilizing street dogs is the most effective way to improve the well-being of the entire city’s street dog population. However, many dogs in Kathmandu are sick, injured, or abused, and the KAT Centre does not ignore them or leave them to suffer. The KAT Centre receives phone calls every day from concerned members of the public who ask the organization to help animals in need. Additionally, many people bring hurt and ill dogs and cats to the Centre, and KAT’s staff collects dogs in need while driving in animal ambulances. KAT’s vets and animal care staff give these animals any needed medical treatment. Every animal that enters the Rescue & Treatment program at the KAT Centre is also sterilized and vaccinated for rabies.

In 2011, the KAT Centre’s Rescue & Treatment program provided vital medical care to 573 dogs and cats in need. Many of them suffered from severe cases of mange, collisions with vehicles, open sores infected with maggots, malnutrition, and injuries from abuse by people.

Grant from Animal SOS:
The grant given by Animal SOS was essential to the success of both of these programs. The KAT Centre expended the funding to purchase the veterinary supplies and medicines that it used for the programs, as well as food for the dogs at the Centre. KAT uses a wide range of drugs; some of the most common ones are antibiotics for respiratory infections and intestinal illnesses, antiparasitic drugs, de-worming tablets, anesthetic for surgeries, pain relievers, and ivermectin for mange. Additionally, Animal SOS’s grant provided many of the vaccines used at KAT last year. Every animal that is treated at the Centre, in either the ABC or Rescue & Treatment program, is vaccinated for rabies. Dogs who live at the Centre for the long term and animals who are adopted also receive combination vaccines which protect them from distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, leptovirus, and parainfluenza.

The KAT Centre shelters around 50 animals, including dogs who are being sterilized for the Animal Birth Control (ABC) program, animals receiving medical treatment, and animals who are waiting to be adopted. The grant helped to pay the considerable expense of providing food to these animals. The Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre is grateful to Animal SOS for its generous support. This grant has made it possible for KAT to continue to work toward its goals of creating a healthy, stable canine population and eliminating rabies throughout the Kathmandu Valley. As a result of KAT’s efforts, the dog population, as well as the suffering of animals, will continue to decrease.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like more information.


Gregg Tully
Development and Coummnications Manager
Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre

KAT Centre in Nepal

Dear Dr. Hansen and the board of directors of Animal SOS

The Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre (KAT Centre) would like to thank Animal SOS for the generous donation of US$1934 which was received on 20 April 2011. The KAT Centre is expending the funds throughout one year. This is a report on the first six months of use of the grant, and an additional report will be submitted one year after the funds were received.

The city of Kathmandu, Nepal is home to more than 20,000 street dogs. They are commonly afflicted with injuries from collisions with cars, starvation, open sores with maggot infections, severe skin problems such as mange, and infectious ailments. Some stray dogs in Nepal carry rabies and other dangerous diseases which put people, particularly children who often play in the streets, at risk.

The Kathmandu city government used to poison more than 10,000 street dogs each year with strychnine, in an attempt to control the canine population. This is a horrific form of death and it is ineffective because the remaining dogs breed and the population returns to its original size within a year.

The Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre is a non-profit registered charitable organization dedicated to improving the welfare of Nepal’s animals. The goals of the KAT Centre are to create a healthy, stable street dog population and eliminate rabies in the Kathmandu Valley. Through an agreement between the KAT Centre and the government of Kathmandu, the government no longer poisons stray dogs in the areas where KAT works.

Animal Birth Control (ABC) program
The Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre’s Animal Birth Control (ABC) program operates along the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for management of stray dog populations. KAT’s staff collects female street dogs who have not been sterilized (spayed) and lets them settle in kennels at the Centre for 12 to 24 hours. The animals are then sterilized, vaccinated for rabies, given ear notches to show they have been treated, and given individual tattoos for future identification. KAT’s vets also treat them for any existing health problems. After at least three days, if the animals are healthy and show no complications from the sterilization, they are released to the exact same places where they were collected.

In the last six months, the KAT Centre has sterilized and vaccinated 524 street dogs. As a result of these efforts, Kathmandu’s dog population will decrease as dogs die naturally, rather than the population being limited by the number of dogs who die because they cannot find enough food.

Rescue & Treatment program
The KAT Centre’s Rescue & Treatment program is an essential component of the organization’s approach to improving animal welfare in Nepal. One aim of the program is to provide medical care to animals who are sick, injured, malnourished, and abused. Some of the animals KAT rescues are completely covered in mange or severely emaciated. On a larger scale, the second aim is to help establish a healthy dog community throughout the Kathmandu Valley.

In addition to giving severely needed and often life-saving veterinary treatment, the KAT Centre sterilizes every dog and cat who enters the program, so they do not produce more unwanted animals and exacerbate the pet overpopulation problem. KAT also vaccinates each animal for rabies. After they are fully restored to health, the organization ensures they go to a suitable environment. The KAT Centre provided veterinary treatment to 296 stray dogs and cats in the past six months (This is in addition to the 524 animals treated in the ABC program).

Public Education program
The KAT Centre’s Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Rescue & Treatment are complemented by a humane awareness program for children and adults.

Topics taught in the program include:
• Compassion for animals
• Rabies prevention, including how to identify potentially rabid dogs
• Avoiding dog bites
• How to care for pet dogs (because many Nepalis are unaware of animals’ needs)
• The importance of vaccinating and sterilizing dogs
• Proper waste disposal, because the number of stray dogs that an area can support is directly related to the amount of rubbish on the street.

The activities of the Public Education program include:
• Visits to orphanages and schools
• Booths and tables with banners and educational displays at public events
• Tours and an introduction to KAT’s programs for school groups and youth clubs who visit the Centre
• Posters throughout Kathmandu informing people of dogs who are available for adoption and the Centre’s work for animals in need
• Articles in magazines and newspapers about KAT and the plight of Kathmandu’s street animals
• Distribution of leaflets about the stray dog situation, KAT’s work to help stray dogs, and rabies awareness.

The KAT Centre uses every opportunity to educate the public to treat animals with care and compassion. While rescuing animals, the KAT team talks to local residents, distributes leaflets about proper care of animals, and encourages people to adopt pets and to contact the organization when they see animals who need help. Furthermore, the KAT Centre serves as a model of compassion for animals and is producing a shift in the public’s perspective about the animals with whom they share their city.

In the last six months, the KAT Centre’s staff visited 18 schools and educated 760 students. Additionally, many school groups and youth organizations visited the Centre.


Integrated approach
In the summer of 2011, KAT’s three major programs – Animal Birth Control (ABC), Rescue & Treatment (for sick and injured animals) and Public Education – began to simultaneously target the same areas of the city of Kathmandu. Additionally, every Sunday, KAT’s vets and animal care staff travel through the current target area to provide on-site treatment to animals who need veterinary care but do not need to be sheltered during the treatment.

The KAT Centre began this integrated strategy in the area around Kalanki, and after sterilizing and vaccinating every possible female street dog in that area, KAT is now implementing its three major programs in greater Swayambhu which is just north of Kalanki. It is clear that this approach makes a lasting impact on the attitudes of the public towards stray dogs; for example, many people in these areas are calling KAT about animals in need of rescue who would have previously been apathetic about suffering animals.

Bungamati village vaccination program
The KAT Centre implemented its third rabies vaccination program in the village of Bungamati, on the outskirts of the Kathmandu Valley, from 15 through 18 August 2011. Bungamati has an abundance of street dogs and the villagers are concerned about the risk of a rabies outbreak. A team from the KAT Centre spent four days vaccinating close to 500 dogs in the area. They also provided on-site treatment to animals as needed, and educated the public about rabies prevention, care for animals, the importance of sterilization, and why KAT was implementing the program. Furthermore, the organization brought its Public Education program to two schools in Bungamati to reinforce the public awareness activities. The health of the dogs was better than in previous years, an indication that KAT’s previous awareness programs have made an impact.


Gregg Tully
Fundraising Adviser
Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre

KAT Centre i Nepal

Kære Dyrenes SOS

Kathmandu Animal Centre (KAT Centre) vil gerne takke Dyrenes SOS for deres generøse donation på 1934 US$ som vi modtog  d. 21. april 2011. KAT Centre har anvendt pengene til deres aktiviteter i løbet af året. Dette er en rapport over de første 6 måneder og I vil modtage endnu en rapport efter det første år.

Kathmandu, Nepal, er hjemsted for mere end 20.000 gadehunde. Disse hunde plages ofte af skader fra påkørsler, sult, åbne sår med maddiker, alvorlige hudproblemer pga skab og forskellige hudinfektioner. Nogle gadehunde i Nepal er smittet med rabies og andre farlige sygdomme, og disse hunde er en alvorlig trussel mod befolkningen, og i særlig grad mod børn, som jo ofte leger udendørs.

Bystyret i Kathmandu har tidligere forsøgt at komme problemet til livs ved årligt at forgifte mere end 10.000 gadehunde med stryknin. Dette giver hundene en forfærdelig død, og er tillige ineffektivt, fordi de tilbageblevne hunde formerer sig så hurtigt, at bestanden er reetableret i løbet af et år.

Kathmandu Animal Centre er en non-profit, registreret velgørenhedsorganisation, hvis formål er at forbedre dyrevelfærden i Nepal. Målet er at skabe en sund og stabil bestand af gadehunde og udrydde rabies i Kathmandu-dalen. Der er indgået aftale mellem bystyret i Kathmandu og KAT Centre om at ophøre med udlægning af gift i de områder hvor KAT arbejder.

Animal Birth Control (ABC) Program:
Kathmandu Animal Centre arbejder i sine ABC-programmer i overensstemmelse med  de retningslinier, som  World  Health Organisation, WHO, har udstukket for håndtering af bestande af gadehunde. KAT’s personale indfanger gadehunde (tævehunde) som ikke tidligere er steriliseret, og anbringer dem i kenneler, hvor de får lov til at falde til ro i 12-24 timer. Herefter bliver de steriliseret, rabies vaccineret og behandlet for eventuelle andre sygdomme. De mærkes herefter med et øre-hak, for at synliggøre at dyret er neutraliseret og vaccineret, og med et individuelt tatoveringsnummer til identifikation. Herefter opholder hundene sig i mindst tre dage i kennelen, og hvis de er raske og ikke har komplikationer efter steriliseringen, transporteres de tilbage til præcis det sted de blev samlet op, og slippes løs.
I de sidste 6 måneder har KAT steriliseret og vaccineret 524 gadehunde. Som et resultat af disse anstrengelser, vil Kathmandu’s hundebestand langsomt blive reduceret i takt med at hundene dør en naturlig død, fremfor at bestanden reduceres ved at de dør af sult.

Rednings- og behandlingsprogram:
KAT Centres Rednings-og behandlingsprogram er en essentiel del af organisationens strategi til forbedring af dyrevelfærden i Nepal. Et af programmets mål er at yde medicinsk hjælp til syge, sårede, underernærede og misbrugte dyr. Nogle af de dyr som KAT får i behandling, er fuldstændig dækkede af skab eller svært afmagrede. I en lidt større målestok er det andet mål at medvirke til at Kathmandu-dalen får en sund gadehunde-bestand.

Udover at yde meget nødvendig og ofte livreddende dyrlægehjælp, så steriliserer KAT hver eneste hund og kat som optages i programmet, sådan at de ikke kan producere endnu flere uønskede dyr, der vil medvirke til at forværre problemerne yderligere. KAT vaccinereralle hvert dyr mod rabies. Når dyrene er kommet sig helt, sørger organisationen for at de anbringes i passende omgivelser.
KAT Centre har ydet dyrlægebehandling til 296 gadehunde i de sidste 6 måneder
(udover de 524 der blev behandlet under ABC-programmet)

Undervisning af befolkningen:
KAT Centres ABC  program og rednings-g behandlingsprogram, suppleres af et undervisningsprogram, rettet mod både børn og voksne.

Der undervises i følgende emner:
• Medfølelse med dyr
• Rabiesforebyggelse, inklusive identifikation af potentielt rabiessmittede hunde
• Undgåelse af hundebid
• Omsorg for kæledyr (mange nepalesere er uden kendskab til dyrs behov)
• Affaldshåndtering. Antallet af gadehunde er proportionelt med mængden af affald i gaderne.

Undervisningsprogrammet omfatter følgende aktiviteter:
• Besøg på børnehjem og på skoler
• Plancher, bannere mm med informationer og undervisningsmateriale i forbindelse med offentlige begivenheder
• Rundvisninger og introduktion til KATs arbejde til skoleklasser og andre ungdomsgrupper, der besøger KAT Centre.
• Plakater ophænges rundt omkring i Kathmandu med billeder af hunde klar til adoption i lokalområdet og information om centerets arbejde for dyr i nød.
• Offentlggørelse af artikler i magasiner og aviser
• Omdeling af flyers

KAT Centre benytter sig af enhver lejlighed til at oplyse befolkningen om  omsorgsfuld  og medfølende håndtering af dyr. Når KAT er ude at redde nødstedte dyr informerer vi også de lokale beboere, uddeler flyers om pleje og pasning af dyr, og vi opfordrer folk til at adoptere kæledyr og til at kontakte KAT hvis de møder dyr der har brug for hjælp. I de forløbne 6 måneder har KAT Centre besøgt 18 skoler og undervist 760 elever. Desuden har utallige skoleklasser og ungdomsgrupper besøgt centeret.
Billede_4En samlet indsats.
I sommeren 2011 besluttede KAT Centre at gennemføre en samlet indsats indenfor alle tre indsatsområder, i udvalget områder i Kathmandu. Samtidig tilbragte dyrlæger og hjælpere fra KAT mange søndage med at gå rundt i de udvalgte områder, hvor de ydede dyrlægehjælp til de dyr der havde behov, men som ikke behøvede at opholde sig i internatet mens de blev behandlet.

KAT Centre iværksatte denne samlede indsats området omkring Kalanki, og efter at have steriliseret og rabies vaccineret enhver tæve, har KAT udvidet indsatsen til Swayambhu, nord for Kalanki. Der er ingen tvivl om, at dette tiltag har gjort et stort indtryk på lokalbefolkningen og at det har ændret deres attitude overfor gadehunde, for eksempel har mange efterfølgende kontaktet KAT Centre, når de er støt på sårede eller syge dyr, hvor de før nok ville have undladt at gøre noget.

Bungamati vaccinations-program
KAT Centre har iværksat sit 3. rabies-vaccinationsprogram i Bungamati, i udkanten af Kathmandu-dalen, fra 15. til 18. august. Her er der en overflod af gadehunde, og landsbyboerne er bekymrede over risikoen for udbrud af rabies. Et hold fra KAT Centre tilbragte fire dage med at vaccinere nær ved 500 hunde i området. De ydede dyrlægehjælp, og underviste befolkningen i forebyggelse af rabies, pleje og omsorg og i betydningen af sterilisering. Desuden besøgte vi to skoler i området. Hundenes helbred var bedre end de foregående år, og dette er endnu et tegn på, at vore tidligere projekter har gjort en forskel.

Venlig hilsen
Gregg Tully
Fundraising Adviser
Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre