Nytårshilsener fra vores samarbejdspartnere

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Vi har fået flere nytårshilsener fra vores samarbejdspartnere rundt om i verden, og nogle af dem, vil vi gerne dele.

Denne hilsen er fra ARC – Animal Rescue Cambodia:


Dear animal lovers and friends,
An impactful year is coming to an end. First and foremost, we would like to honor our ARC donor family, partners, and friends. With your support, ARC was able to help more than 34,000 animals over the last years on your behalf.

Among ARC’s highlights in 2022 are: 

  1. Humane animal overpopulation control, increased animal health
    • dog & cat desexing & vaccination programs
    • rabies education & surveillance program
  2. Inspiring human behavior-change & emergency response assistance
    • natural disaster preparedness & relief program
    • educating 2,100 teachers and 58,000 students on rabies prevention
  3. Improving the quality of veterinary care
    • Gold Standard HQHVSN spay/neuter trainings at our ARC Center

As we move into 2023, we are looking forward to our continue cooperation to raise animal welfare in Cambodia.

Thank you for being by our side and for continuing to support ARC’s impactful work. Please consider a tax-deductible end-of-year contribution to ARC, so we can help more animals in need. Thank you!

Happy Holidays & a great start into the New Year!

Martina Mayr | Founder & Director of ARC 


The amazing Foreningen Dyrlaeger Uden Grenser recently made their 5th donation, allowing ARC to provide impactful preventative care to Cambodian cats in need. Cat core vaccinations are expensive and include feline parvovirus (FPV), feline calicivirus (FCV), feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1), and Chlamydia. All these diseases are common in Cambodia, and potentially deadly. 

Besides, our wonderful friends at Worldwide Veterinary Service donated much-needed professional medical supplies: surgical gloves, tubes, bandages, wound care packs, sutures, and much more.

Finally, our amazing friends at Project V.E.T.S. donated valuable professional medical supplies like surgical gloves, tubes, drains, sutures, bandages, and much more. These gifts help our ARC vet team to provide the best diagnosis, treatment, and healing to the rescue cats & dogs at our ARC Center.

Og denne hilsen er fra Tibet Charity i Nordindien:

Dear Friend,

 I hope this mail finds you in the best of health.

 The past few years have been extremely tough for everyone around the world but in spite of all the difficulties facing you and the people around you, you have continued to shower your blessings and support to us. It is thanks to your good wishes and support that has allowed us to continue our endeavor to help the needy people and animals around us here in spite of the lockdowns.

Your blessings have also kept us all here at Tibet Charity safe from the harms of covid. So I thank you profusely from the depth of my heart on behalf of Tibet Charity and all the beneficiaries of your good wishes and support.

 I take this opportunity to wish you and your near & dear ones a very happy Christmas and New Year. I hope and pray that 2023 will bring more joy and good health to you and your dear ones. I also pray for your continuous blessings, good wishes and support.

With all my love and regards,


Og endelig har vi en hilsen fra et af vores projekter i Ukraine. Dyreorganisationerne har haft et meget hårdt år, også dyreparkerne, og udover de mange hjemløse hunde og katte har vi også støttet hesteorganisationer samt dyreparker og zoologiske haver. 

Denne jule- og nytårsmail er fra Feldman Ecopark, som ligger lige i et af brænd-punkterne i det østlige Ukraine meget tæt på den russiske grænse.

Dear Friends!

Wishing you a lovely Christmas season and a very Happy New Year!

May the spirit of Christmas fill your life and that of your family members with hope, positivity, and joy!

We are ever-grateful for your support, kindness and compassion. As real friends of Feldman Ecopark we invite you to visit it after the end of the war. We will be happy to welcome you as Honorary Guests of our Ecopark.

Sincerely yours,
Feldman Ecopark

Vi håber på jeres fortsatte støtte til disse og mange andre vigtige projekter over hele verden, således at også dyrene kan få et godt 2023!

Godt Nytår fra alle os
Foreningen Dyrlæger uden Grænser